Aditya Bhusal


लुम्बिनी बौद्ध विश्वविद्यालय मानविकि तथा सामाजिक शास्त्र संकाय अन्तर्गत सञ्चालनमा रहेको चार वर्षे B.A(R.D) का लागि भर्ना आवेदन खुलेको व्यहोरा सम्बन्धित सबैका जानकारीका लागि यो सूचना प्रकाशन गरिएको छ ।
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लुम्बिनी बौद्ध विश्वविद्यालयका देहाय बमोजिमका विद्यार्थीहरु Semester Exchange Programअन्तर्गत चीन जान छनोट हुनुभएको व्यहोरा सुचित गरिन्छ।NoticeDownload
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Lumbini, August 4, 2024 — Lumbini Buddhist University (LBU) recently concluded the second and third phases of its Faculty Training & Workshop, held from August 2nd to 4th at the university’s Central Office. This significant event saw the participation of 30 dedicated faculty members, reflecting LBU’s commitment to enhancing educational practices and fostering professional development among...
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On Saturday, August 3, Lumbini Buddhist University hosted a vibrant China-Nepal Cultural Exchange Program. The event was a celebration of the rich cultural heritage shared by the two nations, featuring an array of traditional dishes, dresses, and dances from both China and Nepal.The program began with an exhibition of diverse culinary delights, showcasing the unique...
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उपर्युक्त सम्बन्धमा यस विश्वविध्यालयका शिक्षकहरुको अध्धयन, अध्ध्यापन र अनुसन्धानको स्तरोनतिका लागि FACULTY RESEARCH गराउन थालिएको व्यहोरा सहर्ष जानकारी गराउन चाहन्छौ।Prastav awahanDownload
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लुम्बिनी बौद्ध विश्वविद्यालय डिन कार्यालय तथा आङ्गिक क्याम्पसमा स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर तहका विभिन्न कार्यक्रममा अध्यनरत विद्यार्थीहरुलाई छात्रवृत्ति, विद्यार्थी सहयोग तथा पुरस्कार सम्बन्धी विनियमावली,२०७९ बमोजिम तोकिएको आधार तथा मापदण्ड भित्र रहि छात्रवृत्ति वितरण गर्नुपर्ने भएकाले देहायेबमोजिमका सेमेस्टर परिक्षामा उत्तीर्ण भएका इच्छुक विद्यार्थीहरुबाट लुम्बिनी बौद्ध विश्वविद्यालय ऐन २०६३ दफा ३२ (क) को व्यवस्ता बमोजिम अनुसूची १ मा रहेको...
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Lumbini, June 24, 2024 — Lumbini Buddhist University (LBU), through its Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, has entered into strategic partnerships with five renowned institutions. The collaboration was formalized today during a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing ceremony, which was attended by prominent representatives from all parties. Dr. Hari Sharan Chakun, Dean of the...
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On June 6, 2024, Dr. Kumar Khadka, Coordinator of the Center for International Relations, and Mr. Wang Yonghua, Member Secretary of the Lumbini Buddhist University Devdaha Education Development Project, visited the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries in Beijing. They met with Vice President Yuan Mindao and Liu Qian to discuss enhancing academic...
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