लुम्बिनी बौद्ध विश्वविद्यालय मानविकी तथा सामाजिक शास्त्र संकायको डिन कार्यालयका लागिघर भाडामा लिनुपर्ने भएकाले इच्छुक घरधनीहरुबाट देहायको शर्तको अधिनमा रही घर भाडामा दिनेप्रस्ताव सूचना प्रकाशित भएकाले सात दिनभित्र निवेदन दर्ता गराउनु हुन यो सूचना प्रकाशित गरिएको छ ।Ghar bhada noticeDownloadRead More
Lumbini Buddhist University (LBU) successfully organized a workshop titled “Culture through the Eyes of the Buddha: Ethnographic Research Methods, Cultural Relativism, and Transformation” on 17th December at the Central Library Auditorium. The workshop was jointly organized by the Center for International Relations, Lumbini Buddhist University, and the Faculty of Buddhist Studies.The program was facilitated by...Read More