Master in Science Disaster Risk Engineering and Management (MSc DREM)

Course ID
Lumbini International Academy of Science and Technology
Lecture, Seminar

“MSc in Disaster Risk Engineering and Management (MSc DREM) is the engineering course that is provided at the level of Master of Science in order to grant knowledge in depth.

Objective of the Program:

This master’s degree course in Disaster Risk Engineering and Management with theory, practical, and research components aims to meet the growing need for experts trained to provide solutions to complex issues in disasters. In our Master’s program, students explore the reduction of risk and disasters, along with their associated impacts, from a diverse range of scientific, engineering, technical, socio-economic, environmental, ethical, and cultural perspectives. All the subjects are designed to give global perspectives but also with special relevance to Nepal’s country context.

The course encompasses the efficient skills in project planning, implementation, and control along with cross-cutting issues of technology, quality, contract, safety, financial investment, and environment, policy/legal provisions, and other many contemporary issues.


The course aims to produce disaster risk reduction managers who can work, innovate and lead in a multi-disciplinary environment. To achieve the objective, the MSc in Disaster Risk Engineering and Management Program of LBU offers Main Core Courses and diversified Elective Courses with many case studies, project works and their research works on this particular field. It is environed that the graduates of this program will be capable to manage disaster-related projects and carry research projects in the area of disaster risk engineering and management.


The eligibility for admission in Construction Engineering and Management is based on the following criteria:

Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Architecture, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering or their equivalent from recognized institutions or universities.

The candidate shall appear and pass the admission test.

Total Credits

The MSc-CEM program offers 60 credits in accordance to the qualification framework for master level programs as recommended by the University Grants Commission (UGC) (HEQFDT, 2016:8), and also to be in compatible with the norms followed at the IoE-TU.


LBU follows the 2016 Higher Education Qualification Framework as approved by the University Grants Commission. It includes definitions of credit, lecture hour, practical, minimum qualification and other relevant criteria.

Program Name Call For Admission Admission Deadline Class Starts  Semester End Exam
MScDREM  Oct 1 Jan 2 Jan 15 May Last Week and
Dec Last Week

Admission Criteria:

Students from any discipline having passed a Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from any recognized university are eligible to apply for admission to a Master’s degree program. Eligible candidates may apply to LBU by filling out an online application form available online. Admission to the program will take place on a Semester basis. To be eligible for the program, the candidate needs to appear for a written entrance examination followed by an interview. The maximum number of candidates is set to 40 students per class.

Contact Us

Lumbini International Academy of Science & Technology


Mr. Khet Raj Dahal (Dean)

 [email protected]


  1. The academic performance of students shall be evaluated on the basis of individual courses for
    all the courses registered for the program. The final grade will be determined by aggregating the course-wise grades.
  2. The performance of a student shall be judged by
    a. Continuous internal semester assessment carried out by the concerned course tutor, and
    b. External semester examination carried out by the University.
  3. In any semester a student shall register for all the courses offered by the University in that semester as per the approved curriculum of the concerned program.
  4. The course-wise weights for the continuous internal semester assessment and external semester examination shall be as given below.
  5. The external semester examination shall be of three hours duration for all the courses except for those designated as internal evaluation.
  6. For the courses designated as ‘practical’, the viva or other practical examinations component of the external semester examination shall be conducted by the concerned course tutor.
  7. The continuous internal semester assessment shall be taken by the concerned course tutor in any of the following ways: 
    • a. Written test
    • b. Workshop practice
    • c. Practical works
    • d. Project work
    • e. Viva-voce
    • f. Home assignment
  8. A student must secure a minimum 50 percent marks in the internal assessment for him/her to be eligible for sitting in the end-semester examination.
  9. A student must obtain a minimum 50 percent marks in the external examination to pass a course.
  10. A student who has secured 50 percent or more in the continuous internal semester assessment (and 50 percent or more in the practical courses) but fails to obtain a passing grade in the external semester examination can re-sit in the compartmental examination and in the external semester examination of the same course.

Total Credits

The MSc-CEM program offers 60 credits in accordance to the qualification framework for master level programs as recommended by the University Grants Commission (UGC) (HEQFDT, 2016:8), and also to be in compatible with the norms followed at the IoE-TU.


LBU follows the 2016 Higher Education Qualification Framework as approved by the University Grants Commission. It includes definitions of credit, lecture hours, practical, minimum qualification and other relevant criteria.

First Semester

Title of Course Total Credits Total
    Theoretical Tutorial    
Year I/I Semester I        
DREM 511 Principles of Disaster Risk
Engineering and Management
3 1 4 100
DREM 512 Earthquake Risk Management 3 1 4 100
DREM 513 Emergency Management
3 1 4 100
DREM 514 GIS and Remote Sensing 3 1 4 100

Second Semester

Title of Course Total Credits Total
    Theoretical Tutorial    
Year I/II Semester II        
DREM 551 Research Methodology &
Quantitative Techniques (Core Course)
3 1 4 100
DREM 552 Flood Engineering and Disaster Management (Core Course) 3 1 4 100
  Elective I (anyone)        
DREM 553 Community Based Disaster Risk
3 1 4 100
DREM 554 Human Resource Management 3 1 4 100
DREM 555 Disaster Prevention, Mitigation
and Preparedness with ICT tools
3 1 4 100
  Elective II (anyone)        
DREM 557 Safety Engineering Management 3 1 4 100
DREM 558 Advance Project  Management 3 1 4 100
DREM 559 Landslide Risk Management 3 1 4 100

Third Semester

Course Code Title of Course Total Credits Full Marks
Theoretical Tutorial Total
DREM 611 Project Work on Disaster Management 1 3 4 100
  Elective III (anyone)        
DREM 612 Environmental Management 3 1 4 100
DREM 613 Climate Change Adaptation and
3 1 4 100
DREM 614 Urban Disaster Risk
3 1 4 100
DREM 615 Bioengineering 3 1 4 100
  Elective IV (anyone)        
DREM 616 Disaster Response, Recovery,
Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
3 1 4 100
DREM 617 Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritages 3 1 4 100
DREM 618 Disaster Law, Policies,
Frameworks, and Strategies
3 1 4 100

Forth Semester

Course Code Title of Course Total Credits Full Marks
Theoretical Tutorial Total
Year II/II Semester IV        
DREM 651 Thesis on the relevant topic as
prescribed by the Department
    16 400


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